Looks good! The story is surely decent enough and I can understand his motives. As for the pictures, the 'face' one looks good, and suits him well. However the second one, I'm not so sure about. Should I just interpret him as a knight in plate armor? If so, might I suggest perhaps combining the face picture with one of these; [hider=pictures][img]http://i.share.pho.to/eaac0be5_o.jpeg[/img] [img]http://i.share.pho.to/add5a720_o.jpeg[/img] [img]http://i.share.pho.to/448f0007_o.jpeg[/img][/hider] The reason for my nitpickery is that I've had people use pictures like those before, where they sort of end up like a MMO-heavy-armor-tank kind of character, while I'd rather keep it on the realistic side. Many knights, especially foot-knights, did not wear plate armor all that much. For the first picture you see a brigandine, essentially studded/riveted leather. It looks cool, knightly and above all, since it's leather it can have that nice royal-red or that badass-black color if you wish. Second one is self explanatory, I like this one especially because the guy looks cool. Third one is (I guess) a cuir bouillie which means boiled leather, it's essentially hardened leather shaped into a piece of armor. Usually these were used in combination with plate armor (you'd have a thing layer of plate armor, then over that the hardened leather). This stuff was hard as hell and was one of the reasons crossbows became common in the battlefields, simply because an arrow could not penetrate these (well.. there's bodkin arrows etc but you get what I mean.) However if you wish to go for plate armor that is fine too! If that's the case I'll just imagine the guy in a way that makes it seem realistic to me. I hope I don't come across as a complete nutjob :P I try my hardest to pay attention to how I write things as I can sometimes come across as if I am being rude, when I'm not intending to, so sorry if that's the case. [b]On a sidenote, if anyone needs pictures of the sorts I have a few saved that you might be able to use for your character, or for inspiration or w/e. Just hit me up if you need/want to see them![/b] Oh and aside from my nitpicking on the characters picture, it's a good character man. The personality and history are good, and he provides a pretty decent character to work with. :)