Autumn sat there with a blank expression on her face, a pair of earbuds visible in her ears. To the others on the bus, she looked very much like she was bored with the whole thing but on the inside was another matter. On the inside she was angry at her so called "parents" for offering her up like that on a silver platter. When the cops had burst in and demanded Autumn, her parents had merely looked at her before her father shoved her at them and thanked them for taking her away. She had stared at them in shock while her two brothers were snickering in the background. Sure, she knew they didn't like her but she didn't think they would be this happy to get rid of her. And so here she sat, scared at what awaited her but none of it showing on her face. Over the years she had perfected her poker face and now it was an unbreakable mask. A mask she hid behind. Her right sapphire eye drifted to look out the window, the left covered by her eye patch.