[b]Lee[/b] Lee took pride in his handy work, he had helped a mortal apprehend a mass murderer. He had bee hired by the victims family to investigate a potential suspect that ended up being the culprit. He had now apprehended his 45th individual in his long life time, and he was proud of that. He was driving down the slowly dimming New York street with is his fully blacked out sedan car. He enjoyed the day although, he liked the burning on his skin, it reminded him of his human years. Unfortunately, his day dreaming was was interrupted by the sound of of his phone ringing. Lee's hand darted out and grabbed the the ringing phone. "Hello." He said gruffly after answering the phone. Hello there old friend, I'm back!!" yelled the voice on the other line. Lee sighed, this kid was back. He had some peace and quiet for the past 5 years. Although Otto was almost 100 years older than him, he still referred to him as a kid, he was still immature for his age. "Great your...your back. What do you want." He said gruffly, he felt slightly agitated by the vampires call. "There's something is going on, I need you to come over to the manor, let's just say it's a Kingston Favor" Otto said darkly. Lee would have not responded to such a request, but since it was a request from the Kingston's, he had no other choice. "I'm on my way." He sighed sternly. Lee ended the call and turned the black car around and speed to the Kingstons Manor.