[b]Name:[/b] Crassius Macrin [b]Occupation:[/b] Professional Hero [b]Race:[/b] Imperial [b]Class:[/b] Warrior [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Personality:[/b] What is best in life? To quest for honor, glory, and to crush your foes. Species, age, sex, physical capabilities, Crassius does not discriminate, all foes must be defeated for honor, especially Orcs and Elves, especially Elves. Talking is not a strong point. [b]General Appearance:[/b] Short cut, brown hair, hazel eyes, clean shaven. Crassius's armor of choice is steel. He stands at 6'. [b]Weapons:[/b] Steel sword, Iron shield, backup Iron sword(Dagger? Tiny ass knives bring you no honor), and a ring binding a rather unwilling dremora to his side(summonable using the ring). [b]Bio:[/b] Crassius never really knew his father. When he was still young, his father, a legionary had told him that honor was the most important thing a man could have. Not even a week later, his father would die patroling the roads of Cyrodil, surprised and overwhelmed by bandits. Crassius joined the legion, following in his father's foot steps. However, they did not appreciate his unique brand of glory and honor. If it is brought up, he will assert that he left of his own volition. Following this falling out with the legion, Crassius decided to take up a more honorable and noble endeavour. One that would take all his bravery. He is questing for the relics linked to the Knights of the Nine and the nine divines. In his quest, he has made his way to skyrim in hopes that there may be relics or clues to their locations. [i]Cheese for everyone![/i]