[b][center]"I'm surprised I've lived this long, lmao." [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/86Ylm37.jpg[/IMG] [u][b]Ghoul Mask: [/b][/u] Nono wears a simple [url=https://pjdziminska.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/noh.jpg]Noh[/url] mask.[/center][/b] [u][b]Name: [/b] [/u] Nonozumi Miko [u][b]Nicknames:[/b][/u] Nono, "Noh Mask" [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] Twenty [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Rank:[/b][/u] A [u][b]Kagune:[/b][/u] Shaped like a scorpion's tail, its design is almost as bland and forgettable as Nonozumi without his mask. The only difference to an actual scorpion's tail is it's ability to stretch out several meters and retract back to a smaller size, as well as the fact that it has three "stingers" one located a knock under the one at the standard scorpion spot, an another one between those, but on the other side. Uniquely, Nono releases a stinging poison with his stingers, creating a dull sensation for a short period of time. Sort of that feeling you get when you go to the dentists, with the same half to full hour of effect as well as the numb sensation. You can still swing the affected area around, but you just can't feel whatever you're doing. [u][b]RC Type:[/b][/u] Bikaku [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Nono is quiet and joking all at once, the very sort of average person that would go unnoticed. He practiced this quite a bit, which makes killing out in the open that much more easy- something that Nono doesn't do, but has toyed with the idea of. He's the type of guy that would seem quite dull to talk to in real life but says stupid stuff (like "omg" or "lmao"- he says that in real life that's how stupid he is), and would be the type to eagerly make cute emoticons at the end of his text messages. o w o )b He doesn't text humans in school though, just ghouls and people from the internet. [u][b]Biography:[/b][/u] He goes to the university and studies literature, just for the sake of studying. He doesn't make a large group of friends and is easily forgettable, thus making his other life that much easier. He made the mistake of trying to hunt CCG Doves without knowing what they actually were and received a killer scar on his back, as well as a rep as the "Noh Mask". [h2][/h2] [b][center]"Hey daddy, why don't we play some games?" [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/uxkUi8Y.jpg[/IMG] [u][b]Ghoul Mask: [/b][/u] Her mask is actually a complete opposite of what is pictured above, covering the top half of her face rather than the lower half. Pictured as [url=http://gyazo.com/d5fd96585b040ed8b687d0b85e3a1add]so[/url], it features a plain white mask cut with a shape around her mouth, decorated with a crudely drawn eye.[/center][/b] [u][b]Name: [/b] [/u] Totsuka Chou [u][b]Nicknames:[/b][/u] N/A [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] Seventeen [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Rank:[/b][/u] N/A [u][b]Kagune:[/b][/u] Chou's Kagune spreads out and is patterned beautifully, almost so that it reminds many of butterflies. She, and hardcore butterfly fanatics, know full well however that its pattern is a moth's, and while she has a bit of a complex about it, she doesn't complain about how it protects her. Able to shield her by covering over her body or attack by releasing shards that come out in groups (usually of six to ten, but when Chou's just letting loose, it kinda doesn't matter). As versatile as it sounds though, it comes with a few openings in between attacks, not to mention in addition to her own childish inexperience. Despite being wings, she cannot fly with them, though manages to convince otherwise with her graceful leaps able speed. [u][b]RC Type:[/b][/u] Ukaku [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Chou behind the mask is very docile and flirtatious, quick to show a sliver of her pale skin or "accidentally" bump herself against unsuspecting victims. As she kills, however, there's a noticeable switch, the most important being her absolute silence and focus. She hunts her meals in the lower red district of the city, using charms she learned from watching other women to seduce men into her hideout. A meticulous eater, she makes sure to clean to the bone, meaning she doesn't feed often as she often has a meal waiting at home. One could say that Chou lives for the sake of living, eat for the sake of eating, sleep for the sake of sleeping. She tries not to leave her hideout during the day often, having lived this long without learning much about humans and unsure about how well she would fit in. [u][b]Biography:[/b][/u] The basics of Chou's upbringing is that she was born with two other sisters in a trio, each of them receiving the same traits from dainty features to large wings. They survived as their father- who wasn't necessarily their father, simply a man who found them in a box- hunted food, giving to them the bare minimum. It was from these small scraps that Chou learned how to savour things to the bone, enjoying her small piece as her sisters planned larger, fighting their father to receive more. Stuff happened, and one of the triplets disappeared, the father not saying a thing about it and continuing to feed them their scraps. On the second month, Chou's sister was convinced what they were eating was not human, and was in fact their sister. Their stomachs were a mess that night, but Chou didn't vomit, savouring whatever kept her alive, even if it was her sister. Two nights after the revelation, her sister woke her up to run away. The two barely made it a few blocks down before meeting with another ghoul. They defeated him, but at a cost, Chou's sister having lost her entire left side. Though Chou wanted to help her live, her sister confessed she had always hated pain and asked of Chou the same funeral they had given their other sister. And so, that was how Chou ate the other triplets. She made sure to do with her sister as her other meals and savour her, at the end finally reaching the cleanest she could make of her bones, and crying about how awful it was. She moved out of the nook in the alley she had made her home in, making her way from nook to nook to nook, moving always to prevent herself from vomiting her sisters out. She lasted a month before hunger overwhelmed her, and she ate a girl walking in the late streets. It was from this that Chou started her pattern of slow eating and hiding, her late night frequenting introducing her to the power of prostitution, and considering she preferred the taste of men moreso than women anyways, she used that as her means of ware. Spending most of her time indoors, Chou started a habit of carving her bone collection into kitchen utensils, selling them to drunkards in the night to get them off her hands. While she still has a large collection, she eats meagerly enough for the CCG to take notice.