[center][IMG]http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljqytc1cvW1qzz5i6o1_500.jpg[/IMG] [sub]The "Baker" explosion, part of Operation Crossroads, a nuclear weapon test by the United States military at Bikini Atoll, Micronesia, on july 25th 1946. A massive version of the above photo is [URL="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/09/Operation_Crossroads_Baker_Edit.jpg"]here[/URL][/sub][/CENTER] [hider=Map][img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/046/4/5/blank_map_of_planet_vadder_by_generalhelghast-d76fmcl.png[/img] [sub][url=http://generalhelghast.deviantart.com/art/Blank-Map-Of-Planet-Vadder-434069733]src;[/url] – Thanks to GeneralHelghast for making this available for use.[/sub][/hider] [h3][color=0072bc][B]I[/B][/color][color=00aeef]nstructions[/color][/h3] [LIST] [*] Post a request for rolls in the OOC tab. [*] When I provide a rolled response, please post a nation sheet here, using the [url=https://titanpad.com/mM2CO2ygGM]provided template.[/url] [*] Please place your sheets in hiders for ease of navigation. [*] Also, please place your rolls in a separate hider on the same post. [*] Please do not post anything but character sheets in here. [/LIST] [h3][color=0072bc][B]N[/B][/color][color=00aeef]ation Sheet Template[/color][/h3] ([url=https://titanpad.com/mM2CO2ygGM]Provided here in bbcode form[/url])[indent] [B]Name:[/B] (Such as England, the United States of America or France) [B]Demonym:[/B] (Such as English or Americans or the French) [B]Description: [/B](A summary of your nation goes here; basics on what's going on and what the country is about.) [B]Government:[/B] (Type; Monarchy, Communist, Tinpot Pissditch Dictatorship, el Republico Bananos etc. (the last of these gets extra style points -if- el Presidente wears aviator sunglasses, a gold braided peaked cap and the currency has pictures of palm trees on it)) [B]Head of State:[/B] (Extra style points if the title is "El Presidente.") [B]National Anthem:[/B] (Srs or not, up to you. Extra style points if some sort of Salsa hit or Latin jazz number or it's Elvis) [B]Economy:[/B] (Just describe the major industries and how they are organized.) [B]National Religion: Population:[/B] [B]Geography:[/B] (PLEASE be sure to identify where on the map you are, preferably by posting a clip of the region you wish to occupy. [u]We may have to move you around to make it work. Don't be shocked if you don't get all the area you requested.[/u]) [B]Demographics[/B] (Makeup of your population; ethnicities, languages, minorities.) [B]Notable Locations[/B] (An overview of important cities, military bases, political prisons (if any) and World Conclave Historical Landmarks (which is to say, along the lines of the Taj Mahal or the Pyramids at Giza)) [B]Regime Personalities[/B] (Important people in your country; leaders and the such, people that factor heavily into your RP. At the very least, the leader, your WC delegate and, probably, your minister/secretary of war/defense at the very least.) [B]Institutions [/B] (Major institutions of the nations, such as legislative bodies, corporations and, most importantly, the military.) [B]Military Numbers[/B] Active Duty Component Total: Army: Navy: Air Force: Other: (Such as KGB/Waffen-SS/Pasdaran/Other type troops -- internal security, or paramilitary forces)[/indent]