WIP App: [b][b]Name of nation[/b]:[/b] The United Federate Confederation of Gitchergood [b]Species:[/b] Anthropomorphic Liopleurodon master race. [b]Description of government: [/b]The BDSM Tsarident makes all decisions, and the others have no choice to obey. It is quite dirty and I am now ever so slightly hard even just describing it. Oh my. Excuse me, let me check if my KY reserves are adequate. [b]Description of military:[/b] They're really good because they've fought several wars in the past, which is an advantage that no one else in the galaxy has. Being veterans, they are able to shoot a man's nips off from over five thousand parsecs away using only revolvers. In fact, rail revolvers are the principle armament of the Liopleruodon race. The average grunt only uses one, but the officers use two. "Make my day" is the motto of the Liopleurodon Genocide Enaction Corps. Dreadnoughts fill the role of corvettes in the Gitchergood navy, with Leviathans filling the role Dreadnoughts would fill in lesser navies. Leviathans generally range in size from being comparable to the scale of a system, to galactic scale. However, only one Galactic scale Leviathan has been made, but it has extremely good stealth technology. So good, in fact, that the Lieopleurodons have absolutely no idea where it presently resides. They are pouring all of their efforts into locating the lost Leviathan. They actually have no idea where the other Leviathans went either. There are no Leviathans that the Liopleurodons are presently able to operate. Furthermore, they also have ultra carriers, but these launch carrier launched carrier dreadnoughts, rather than fighters. Extreme levels of automation allow these gargantuan vessels to be piloted by a single pilot. Ground and space forces are supplemented by the "articulation suits", giant mechanical suits conforming to the shape of a Lieopleurodon's body. They are outfitted with directional verniers for maneuverability in space. They are all painted red, which Liopleurodon scientists have discovered facilitates them moving at three times their ordinary speed. The Liopleurodons field a rather unusual variety of tank, that is like a spin top made of death. Liopleurodons are trained on carousels to accustom themselves to the intense levels of twirling that they are subjected to in their job. The Liopleurodon Armored Corps motto is "You can win it in a minute if you spin it spin it spin it." [b]Technological Overview:[/b] The humble revolver is used for many different applications in Liopleurodon society. Need to turn the TV on? Shoot it. Need to turn it off? Shoot it again. Gotta open a jar of pickles? Shoot the darn thing. The revolver is also the cornerstone of Liopleurodon democracy. Don't like the Tsarident? Shoot him. Truly, the revolver is a wondrous thing of many utilities. Another innovation of the Liopleurodon race is the "Meme Forge", a sophisticated piece of machinery used to make high quality memes in bulk. Hand cranks on the side of each device can determine the dankness of a meme. However, too much of the dank crank can result in forced memes, which must be disposed of through a floor chute that leads to an ever raging chamber of flame. [b]Cultural Overview:[/b] The Liopleurodons intensely dislike people named Ralph and all Ralphs have been worked to death in the revolver factories as a result. Liopleurodons also really love water polo, but they aren't so much fans of water marco. Water macro is even worse. Liopleurodon internet has an algorithim wherein if anyone types "macro" their computer immediately detonates and showers them in shrapnel. Liopleurodon's night life scene is intensely active and dens of degeneracy of all flavors can be found packed into absolutely every street of a Liopleurodon city. Revolvers are the favoured construction material for Liopleurodon dwellings. Liopleurodons are particularly fond of yodeling, but only quite racy, lewd ballads about what they wish to do with the grandmothers of the recipient of their songs. Granny fucking is the edgestone of Liopleurodon society, given that females age much faster than males. Liopleurodons are also really fond of cosplaying as the characters of their extremely popular Liopleurodon cartoons. With panties or no, cosplaying is the sidestone of Liopleurodon society, given that everyone in Lieopleurodon society is a manchild or womanchild. There has been an uncontrollable crime boom of torrenting of Liopleurodon cartoons, but the Liopleurodon Cyber Police (Motto: "Consequences will le never le be le same *tips fedora*") have been absolutely ineffectual in dealing with it. Memes are the core economic asset of the Liopleurodon race. They produce the dankest memes in the galaxy, and then engage in their mass sale. Liopleurodon freighters carrying sophisticated designer memes criss-cross the galaxy. Their number one top seller presently is "Le hand rubbing schemer human." Liopleurodon's Meme Tasters are highly valued members of their society. The official motto of the Royal Liopleurodon Meme Tasters Society is "Haha! Well meme'd, friend!" Plarp Nootnoot has headed the society for three months, but has already imbued it with newly found vigor. A new golden age of memes draws closer and closer, and with it the wealth of the Liopleurodons shall also expand like the dongs of old. [b]History: [/b]This is presently subjected to incredible amounts of revisionism. Being a multicultural, futuristic society, their old way of things is viewed as hurtful and racist to the new entrants to their glorious, superior way of life, so many attempts have been made to completely obfuscate Liopleurodon history. Unfortunately, they have been successful. Every history book has been successfully combusted and all digital media has been replaced with loops of annoying Liopleurodon meme songs. Other: