Anna looked at him when he said whenever she was ready. So, they were doing this thing today then? He really was rushing to get this done. But then again, why should they wait? There really was no reason too. The sooner they got this whole thing over with the better. She just hoped that in the end all of this worked out for everyone. Nodding and taking a deep breath, she stood up, "Well then, let's get to this. The longer we wait, the worse the anticipation will be." With that, she began walking along side him, toward the manor. Needless to say, she was nervous. She had never don any sort of acting before. What if she did or said something wrong? What if she got in huge trouble for this? There were so many things that could go horribly in a situation like this. But then, who was to say things couldn't go right? Maybe h woudl believe she was his sister. Maybe she was his sister. Ha! She almost laughed at that thought. She was so nervous about all this she was getting ahead of herself. She was no princess. She was just a girl who had some streaks of bad luck in her life. And now she was trying to turn that around. Shaking her head to bring herself back to reality, they slowly made their way to the mansion, when she spoke to him, "Soooo.....what exactly gave you the idea to do all this anyway? And what makes you so sure it will work?"