Feeling something tap on her foot Grace looked up to see Kyle smiling at her and she smiled gently in return. She knew she was too timid, people had often told her but she couldn’t help it. She had always viewed attention as bad; because of the fear her powers may be discovered. However things were different here and she needed to remember that. There were probably other fears she could have in this new environment however she thought that the less thought she gave to them the less they’d bother her. Mr Steele suddenly spoke up again, catching her by surprise. “Alright then, you’ve got about ten minuted before your next class is supposed to start. Stay in the gym, but have some free time.” “Can’t help it.” She whispered back, feeling safe in speaking now that they’d been dismissed. “I mean… what if I don’t hold up against the others?” What if she was labelled the weak link? Smiling despite herself she shrugged slightly. I didn’t really get to practice my powers a lot when I was younger… I guess I’m not that confident in myself.” She shrugged slightly, thinking maybe she had said too much. Grace was aware that she sometimes spoke too much but smiled despite herself. “Sorry,” She shrugged slightly. As before she found herself curious as to how his powers worked, how he saw and things like that but was much too polite to ask. So she instead chose to ask something else since she really didn’t know much about him. “So do you have any siblings?” She paused for a moment but decided not to ask about his parents, since it could sometimes be a sensitive subject for people, especially people like them. “I don’t have any myself, but I kind of always wanted one. It wouldn’t have been as quiet growing up.”