"I thought we still had a few more days off." He told her irritably "And the only reason I'ld go to school without you was if you were sick." The two of them got on the bus and found an empty seat they could share before sitting down and scooting over to the window. He didn't want to go to school today, he wanted to sleep or play videogames, or watch television. Instead he had to spend hours listening to somebody drone on about stupid things. The only good thing about going was he got to spend time with Kaya... though he pretty much already spent most of his time with her anyway. She was his best friend and they had grown up together, they were nearly inseperable despite how different they were from eachother. "I think your right about the license but neither of us have cars." He told her "And I doubt either of our parents will buy one for us. I might have enough for a motorcycle but I doubt you would want to ride on it to school with me everyday." Truth be told Bryant wouldn't mind at all. He's had a crush on Kaya since middle school but had been afraid to tell her about it and possibly ruin their friendship... it was one of the few things he was actually afraid of.