Darrius would not take his leave, he already felt a little hyped out. That, and somewhat emotionally drained. Rarely did he get involved with his patrons in any way. This wasn't necessarily something big he had taken part it. It was, after all, a public event. Not only a public event, but [i]the [/i] public event. However knowing that he himself might be part of the reason he had to resort to this, instead of doing something else to pay the bills, weighed on him slightly. Now Darrius is a man of loose morals, but whenever something like this happened the ethical business practices his parents tried to teach him always came back to haunt him. He would always go back to being scummy in his practices, but sometimes he would feel less detached while doing so. [color=663344][i] Who's this asshole? [/i] [/color] Darrius tilted his head as he turned around. He certainly wasn't expecting conversation, especially at a place like this. [color=663344] [i] Oh, so he thinks I'm some super-fan. [/i] [/color] Although that wasn't too far off, it wasn't too accurate either. If he had to weigh the truth and the falsity it'd probably be forty-sixty for the truth-false ratio. He was a fan of the coliseum, but he generally wasn't too loud. He was just caught up in the moment, and saw someone he had known. But that guy wouldn't know that, but maybe he could guess it? That didn't matter, what did matter was that he needed to respond. Now, with true or with fiction? Either would suffice considering that he was probably never going to talk to the white-haired man again. [color=663344]"I'm almost certain that is going to be the best match of the day, and I have to leave because of some business I need to attend to." [/color] There, a half-truth! Although some would consider a half-truth worse then then a full-lie, Darrius was a part of the group that believed it to be up to the situation. Now, Darrius meant no harm to this fine, fine young man. However to stop a man from doing something without even introducing yourself, or giving good reason, now that is just rude. Rude, is something that Darrius doesn't deal with. Hell, the first thing he teaches any new employee is if that your going to do bad, do bad with taste. However these thoughts were becoming of ill-taste. The young white-haired man was probably just a kind stranger who was curious, is all. So he decided to throw another partial-truth into the fray and end on the note that [color=663344] "The winner is a client of mine, I came to cheer on the underdog."[/color]