A boy wandered through the morning streets, wearing clothes worn from travelling and toting a large backpack. He got odd looks as he passed by, but most people payed him no mind. He walked at a slow pace, taking in his surroundings slowly. A traveller, coming into a new city. Jinn stared at the stone buildings, the sound walls, the metal clad guards. All things that were new to him. He tilted his head quizzically, wondering what he thought about it. [color=orange][i]Well, it’s alright, I guess.[/i][/color] He thought. His stomach rumbled and it reminded him that he hadn’t eaten for a while. But where could he find food? He looked around, but all he saw was confusing stone and wood buildings. He sniffed experimentally, and his nose was bombarded by new smells. He sifted quickly through them, supressing his curiosity, and smelled the smell he was looking for. Food. He arrived soon at a relatively small wooden building, partially constructed of stone. It was painted cream, and the old signboard indicated its name, which Jinn swiftly ignored. He opened the door to the slightly seedy tavern and walked inside. The tavern was dim, considering it was still morning. The interior walls were stone and the floor creaked under Jinn’s step. There were several tables scattered around and an unlit fireplace by the wall. There were some people who were eating at the tables, and the tavern was filled with conversation. He strode past a few tables of people, either eating or just talking, and ended up at the counter. Behind it, there was a burly man who was apparently the owner of the tavern. He was polishing a beer glass with a slightly dirty washcloth and had a fabulous moustache. [color=orange]“Food, please.”[/color] Jinn said to the moustached man behind the bench, sitting on the stool. “What would you like?” He asked in a deep voice. [color=orange]“Anything.”[/color] Jinn said, setting his bag down beside him. He thought for a minute and yelled something out to the area behind the bar. A woman appeared from the doorway, where delicious smells were coming from, shortly afterwards with a steaming bowl of stew, which she set down in front of Jinn. He began quickly wolfing it down, practically inhaling the chunks of meat and broth. Within a minute, he was done with the bowl. [color=orange]“Thanks.”[/color] Jinn said, and then he held up the bowl. [color=orange]“Seconds, please.”[/color] The woman disappeared and reappeared again, with another bowl. Jinn ate this bowl with less gusto, getting fuller. That said, he still finished it in 5 minutes and held it out again. [color=orange]“Sorry, one more please.”[/color] He said. The woman once again disappeared through the doorway and reappearing with the last bowl of stew. This last bowl he started eating slowly, content to savour it. He finally calmed down and the conversations of the tavern filtered into his consciousness. As he chewed the meat, he listened and filtered out a few common words. Most people were talking about some kind of ‘Black mage’ figure. Some black figure who’d been killing people for a little while. It didn’t interest Jinn that much, but he tuned into a loud conversation between a musclebound bald guy man in the corner and 3 of his rowdy friends. “I’m gonna go kill that black mage guy.” He said. “I bet you’re not strong enough for that.” One of his friends said. “I’m the strongest guy this side of town!” The man bragged. “That guy’s a piece of cake.” While the conversation was going on, Jinn finished his stew and put the bowl down. [color=orange]“How much?”[/color] He said, wiping his mouth. “20.” The man manning the bar said. Jinn grimaced. That sounded like a lot. He took out his pouch of gold and counted it out one by one. [color=orange]“One, two, three, four… Twenty. Here you go.”[/color] Jinn said, handing out what should be 20 coins. Unfortunately, Jinn didn’t have that much money left, but it should be fine for him. He didn’t need to spend it that much. The bar keep grunted and took the money, and Jinn slung his bag onto his back, jumping off the stool and approaching the musclebound man. Approaching slowly as to not alarm him, he asked a question. [color=orange]“Is the black mage strong?”[/color] He asked. The muscleman noticed him and tried to exert his presence. “Whatcha doing here, kid? This is a man’s place.” He said, trying to appear intimidating. [color=orange]“Is the black mage really that strong?”[/color] Jinn repeated. “He isn’t nearly stronger than me, kid!” The muscleman bragged. It was clear the Jinn wasn’t getting anywhere like this, but he had another question in mind. [color=orange]“Are you strong?”[/color] He asked. “Kid, do you know who you’re talking to?” The musclebound man asked, tone low. [color=orange]“Nope.”[/color] Jinn replied. “I’m the strongest guy in the district. I’m-” [color=orange]“Then fight me.”[/color] Jinn said. “Ha!” The musclebound man and his friends let out mocking laughs, which drew the attention of a few people from other tables. Jinn paid them no mind and stood patiently, waiting for them to finish. “Kid, there’s no fun in crushing a midget like you.” He said flatly. [color=orange]“What, afraid you’d lose?”[/color] Jinn said. The best way to get someone to fight was to piss them off, and Jinn was pretty good at annoying people, intentionally or not. The muscle man’s face turned dark. “Kid, you’d best-” [color=orange]“You look weak.”[/color] Jinn said abruptly. The muscleman slowly and deliberately stood to full height, towering over the somewhat average sized Jinn. “You best watch your mouth.” He said threateningly. [color=orange]“Eh, why?”[/color] Jinn said, picking his nose nonchalantly. [color=orange]“You don’t look like you could lift a banana.”[/color] The man went red in anger, and balled his fists. It looked like he was on the verge of exploding. “Let’s take this outside!” He said finally, walking out of the door. Jinn followed suit and some people drifted behind him, wanting to watch the fight. A space was cleared outside, and the muscleman and Jinn faced each other, ready to fight. Jinn took his bag off his back and put it down, and then stretched his hands in a relaxed manner. “I’m going to enjoy this.” The man said, still cheesed. [color=orange]“You enjoy being beaten into the ground?”[/color] Jinn asked. The man roared and charged, swinging his fist for a left hook. [color=orange][i]Slow.[/i][/color] He thought. Jinn dodged backwards as the man’s fist swung forward, missing Jinn by a mile and carrying the muscleman’s body with it. Jinn took a step back and the man’s bulky body crashed into the ground, kicking up a dust cloud. He picked himself up awkwardly and swung again, this time going for a straight. [color=orange][i]Weak.[/i][/color] Jinn thought. He caught the fist with one hand. The crowd looked on in amazement as the large man struggled against Jinn’s seemingly small hand. [color=orange]“Is that it?”[/color] Jinn asked nonchalantly. [color=orange]“You really [i]are[/i] weak.”[/color] The muscleman, running out of strength, withdrew his fist and stumbled back. Jinn took this opportunity to dash in, at lightning speed, lashing out at the muscleman’s face with an uppercut. The punch landed with a satisfying thump and through the man off balance. Jinn used his momentum to glide over the bald man’s head and land behind him. As Jinn’s opponent reeled, he ran forward and grabbed his waist, surprising the musclebound man. Jinn pooled his strength, hefting the large man and heaved. Jinn slammed the man’s bald head into the paved ground, knocking him out. He let go, and the body fell down, limp and unconscious. Jinn dusted himself off and walked over to his bag. He took it with his right hand and slung it over his shoulder, putting his left hand through the other loop. [color=aba000]“Well, that was disappointing.”[/color] Jinn said, cricking his neck. He noticed that a crowd had gathered to watch the fight, so he quickly wove through them and disappeared. As he walked down the streets of the city, he started looking for something to do. [color=orange][i]Where are all the strong people?[/i][/color] Jinn thought. [color=orange][i]Gramps said that there were a ton of strong people around here somewhere…[/i][/color] As Jinn walked and thought, his nostrils caught the scent of blood. He stopped in the middle of the street, sniffing for it. It was faint, but if he got to high place, he might be able to find the source. Looking around, he found a building that looked scalable. Ignoring the weird looks he got from the other people, he carefully picked his way up from the multiple handholds and arrived at the roof of the building. He stood up to his full height and sniffed the wind. Strange smells flew around which he’d have to investigate later, but he couldn’t find that smell again. He sniffed around a little more, looking for a trace of it again. [color=orange][i]There![/i][/color] Jinn thought suddenly. There it was, floating down from an east wind. He sniffed some more to confirm the direction and looked to see what he could find over there. He saw a large, circular stone structure, where the source of the smell seemed to be coming from. He decided that he would explore the building. Blood meant fighting, and fighting might end up being interesting.