[h2]Daniel - Armory Class[/h2] As the teacher arrived and gawked at the tank, he then had everyone make their introductions. Daniel was certainly interested in the tank, too, but there were things that were more important than staring at a tank. Everyone then began making their introductions, including Shiro and his somewhat... loud intro. He chuckled when Sapphire mentioned Shiro's brain damage, which Daniel wouldn't really put past him. When Shiro objected and tried to go to Daniel for support, Daniel looked up innocently at the ceiling and said, "Oh, I dunno, maybe in all the excitement you did suffer some brain damage from the lack of oxygen. You know, because the flames ate it all." He then got up himself and made his introduction as well. "My name's Daniel," he said, scratching the back of his head. "I may not look it, but I'm actually pretty good at making a few things. Explosives, mainly, but I'm working on some others." Satisfied with that, he sat back down and got himself comfortable again. He supposed he had to thank his adoptive father for what skill he had in this.