Gerald remained silent as he approached the group, walking right past Michelle, Perry and Francesca as he joined the group heading into the city. What had he been doing? Turns out that school life was a lot more regulated than he was used to, causing him to miss several important things due to the simple fact he had not considered the existence of something as standard as a timetable. Well, actually, he probably did. The only problem was that he was too used to the idea of making his own to consider the idea of someone else telling him where to be at what time outside of an actual job to be completely foreign. "Investigating, yeah." Gerald muttered in response to Ravira as he kept one hand on Anwarter at all times. He was too used to pre-planned heists, jobs and attacks where every little move was planned, every single reaction expected and every single contingency considered - and with the map definitely memorized. He had gotten a few glances of the place on the airship ride over, but he had not had the time to commit a detailed image to his memory. "I don't like this. Too many things for Grimm to jump out of."