Added a classroom description for Vorosky's Survival Class to the general GDoc. Here it is if anyone wants to read it, and is too lazy to go to the GDoc. [hider=Survival classroom] Survival - The Survival ‘classroom’ is an old run down concrete school building on the very edge of campus. Nature has mostly taken over, vines, trees, and various other plants obscuring the two story building. Various animals can also be seen around this building, deer, squirrels, lots of birds, and more. In a room on the second floor, a campfire can be seen during the day and night. Like all rooms, the floor is dirty. The campfire is in the middle of the room, and several large rocks and old logs circle the campfire. In one corner of the room is an impressive array of weapons, knives, shotguns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, all old. A single desk is where it should be, if this was still a functional classroom, a small candle is on top, along with several books and canned foods. A small mattress is in another corner, there is a sleeping bag on top of it. Scattered across the room are small piles of various things, such as pots, pans, an old guitar can be seen leaning against the wall. Most wonder why this is even a classroom, others are unable to find this class for several days. [/hider]