[h2]Scolopendra[/h2] The six headed serpent let loose a thundering growl from all its heads simultaneously, sounding much like thunder in a great distance and only very remotely like a single, short laugh. 'Lord Scolopendra' was certainly no title anyone ever thought of adressing it with before. It kept its distance while the dragon spoke, and only after he finished Scol opened the maw of its main head and two smaller ones so speak in the old dragon tongue, incomprehensible for its human followers, and further distorted from not really using its vocal chords in centuries. Even to Graguth it would sound thick with accent and rattling with the burning acid in its throat. "[b][i]DESCENDANT. OF. RYLARTH.[/i][/b]" Every word came from the main head, but also from one of the insignificantly smaller ones, and the latter changed with every word. The monster nodded all of its heads once, paying respect to the bloodline for a brief moment before picking up again. "[i][b]WHAT. KIND. OF. EXPERIMENT.[/b][/i]" Though the pile of corpses was a rather obvious tell, Scol didn't know just how much the council knew about its abilities. It didn't bother with how far the rumors originating at the borders of the Witchlight Jungle travel around the world. For the first time, it pondered how much good or bad the spreading superstition could do to its plans. Either way, it would have Graguth spell it out himself, eager to learn if the world was over- or underestimating its abilities.