Alexander hadn't been around other creatures since his parents left and sitting on a couch in the government room surrounded by other beings was getting on his nerves. He wanted to ask them all questions but he couldn't bring him self to start speaking. [i]How do you start a conversation with someone you don't know? What would I ask first? Who would I ask first?[/i] These questions swirled around in his head making him even more curious and nervous at the same time. He started to tap his foot on the ground and think. [i]How to I greet this human? What do I do with the human once it gets here? What even is a human? How did the government know to contact me? What is this tradition meant to be anyway? I remember mother and father talking about a tradition I would take part of but... They never said what it was.[/i] Alexander sighed and stilled his foot looking around at the surrounding building. He returned his eyes to the floor and continued to tap his foot hoping this would be over soon.