"Those are both great question," the girl said, "And I'm sure Black will be happy to answer both of them and any more that you have. But for now...take my hand". Terraline stared at the hand outstretched toward her. Did she want to shake it? Did people still shake hands? Terry was pretty sure that gesture was ancient to their generation. Hesitantly, she gave the girl her hand, placing it gently in hers. Terraline was not sure what she expected to happen. Black started explaining 'mutants.' Apparently they were outcasts of society with superpowers. The more he explained, the more she pondered what kind of drugs he had been smoking. By the end of the explanation, she decided crack seemed pretty possible. Well that answered everything. After her parents death, she must have acted freaked out enough to get sent to a loony bin. This was an insane asylum. She was well convinced of this until the shadow of a ball started bouncing around. It had come directly from his shadow. [i]Special effects. Duh.[/i] She thought with a sigh. This was not an insane asylum after all; it was all a dumb prank. He went on to tell her that she had a super power too and the people who had attacked her house were mutant killers. Before she could inquire on to whether she was being punked, sounds from the next room interrupted him and he left to check it out. Terraline turned to glare at Cammy, "I'm sorry but is this funny to you people?" Immediately her thoughts went to Josephine. That crazy sociopath was no doubt behind this. These people were her friends and they were screwing with her. This was the last straw. Josephine was going way too far this time. She bit her lip. But then her parents... She had seen their lifeless bodies laying on the ground. She had watched the last of her mother's blood drip from the slit in her neck. That was not a prank. Would Josephine be cruel enough to put her through this after that? Terry already knew the answer to that. She doubted that the girl would even mourn their parents. This was obstacle out of the way to her and now there was no one to stop her from making Terraline's life a complete and living hell. She removed her hand from Cammy's hand with sudden distrust, though it had been there for some moments.