"Funny?" asked Cammy, slightly offended by the question. She looked away and then down at the ground in realization. Terry was just trying to cope with all of this. She had seen it before. When confronted by a hard truth, people will search for any kind of alternate explanation to understand it. And mutants and superpowers was as hard a truth as they came. "Do you want to know how I got here?" she asked "A psycho stabbed my mom in the chest". She paused for a brief moment, never losing eye contact with the girl, as the memories began to build a tear in her eye. "I was there when she died. I felt her die. I took every bit of pain she had in her body at that moment...Because that's my power, see? I take away peoples pain...It's what I was trying to do for you...And that psycho? I beat him half to death. I gave him back every inch of pain he had given my mom until I had nothing left to give and I just blacked out." She wiped a tear from her eye and continued "When I woke up three days later...Like you, now...When my dad told me that people had come looking for me, dangerous people who wanted to kill me...That I somehow had this ability...I didn't want to believe it either. And then he brought me here, to this school filled with kids who could do incredible, bizarre things...It all seemed so ridiculous. So I get how difficult this is. Trust me, I really do. But you asked if we found this funny...Trust me. Nothing about this is funny." Brushing a stray strand of hair from her eyes, Cammy tried to regain her composure and said "Look, I don't pretend to know exactly what brought you here, but if your story is anything like mine...like so many people here...You can believe we're taking it seriously. And trust me when I say this. We're the good guys."