"Sorry, it would have gotten away. Oh, and pass me your scroll number please?" Schwarz said, sending Ravira a message with hers. "Looks like they are hiding in there, whatever 'there' is. Sucks that we don'T really know how many there are." she complained, looking up on the taller buildings with an idea forming in her head. She agreed with Gerald about the investigation part being a big fat disappointment. Already she felt the need to rip something black into pieces. And she was supposed to watch? If she did that several years before she would have been dead too! "I'll try to get to a vantage point. If you could keep the Nevermores off of me, it'd be much appreciated." she said and released the harness on her wings, letting them unfold. Taking a running jump, she leaped high into the air with a help of a wing beat, just barely reaching a ledge on the first floor of the taller building. Pulling herself up, she looked around to check if the room was empty before getting on it. Now jumping form a crouch, she repeated the feat and got on the second floor, hoping that would allow her to see at least few blocks away. The view was quite decent. Schwarz couldn't quite see on the streets further away as the rooftops obstructed them, but in the immediate area she spotted no threat. There were four buildings way taller than the rest that caught her attention. One had a domed roof she didn't know what it served for - a greenhouse perhaps? If that was the case it might contain a nest. Then there was one that reminded her of a chapel or a church. Another was a circular tower with a flat top. Perhaps from there she could get a better view? And then there was the middle height building which loomed over the street. She could see a symbol on it's side, a mark of the local Police department. What sent weird shiver down her spine was the lack of... well, life. Nothing moved down there that she could see. Not humans, not grimm, not even wildlife. As if the nature died in this place. Perhaps the people of the town thought to use chemical weapons? It was the only thing that came to her mind. She was sure there was a logical explanation somewhere. Maybe in the PD building? The girl made her way back down and shared what she saw with the rest of the group.