[h2]Pavlov 'Rus' Andreijzic.[/h2] Name: Pavlov Zaberdaiev Andreijzic. Age: 24. Gender: Male. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Description: Pavlov has a stereotypical Russian look to him -- rugged, dirty and manly. He has black hair that, over the time he has spent in this hellhole, has grown a lot and is now tied back with some string into a small ponytail. Several strands of hair escaped this fate and gently hang down next to his ear, accompanying his sideburns. His beard has grown as well, though for safety reasons he keeps it short. Despite the lack of time for leisure he does his best to keep his beard somewhat clean, trimming it every now and then. He has braided several parts of his beard where length allowed it, which isn't very much. He has very defined cheekbones and his cheeks have fallen in due to malnourishment, as was the case with many people. Besides that his face lacks any other kind of distinction that sets him apart from the others in any interesting way. His body is strengthened by the apocalypse, in relativity to his pre-infection shapes. He has more defined muscles on his arm and neck areas, and appears more broad than before. However he in no way attains body-builder esque figures and in all intends and purposes doesn't wish to become like that either. However none of this is noticeable that much, as the clothes he wears are very concealing towards his physique. Biography: Pavlov is a Russian born immigrant who moved to America when he was around the age of 8. His father and mother were lower-middle class citizens who both worked at the same school. His father taught Russian in a International Bussiness oriented course while his mother worked behind the reception desk and filled other bureaucratic roles inside the school. His childhood was moderately average and he lived his life like every child would. During the first and second wave Pavlov had already grown up to become an adult, aged 22 at the start of the apocalypse. His father called him one day, telling him that his mother had gotten ill and he had brought her to the hospital after she told him that her midriff felt like it was on fire. He thought little of it and told him to tell her to get better. Later he learned she had slipped into a coma along with a majority of the people that had this same disease -- a new form of the flu they called it -- but that her situation was relatively stable and that the doctors were doing all they could. But it felt a bit off. What kind of flu causes a coma? The answer came swiftly for him after the first reports of comatose people waking from the dead after dying from their coma. Supposedly Pavlov lost both his father and mother, however he has no real 'proof' of this. For the first few months he was as inexperienced as anyone else and had to make some decisions he wished now he hadn't. After all nobody had experience with this kind of threat.. how could they make the right decisions all the time? He wandered his city, New York, looking for others that knew what was going on. He met street gangs who had now gotten into power through force. He met policemen and National Guards who were still performing their duties, helping people survive but often failing to do this. He met people that had given up on life and shot themselves, hung themselves or jumped from a skyscraper. Once, he even met a man that killed his own brother, then ate him. These experiences enrichened his 'knowledge and experience' with this situation and taught him that humanity was dead. Or rather.. humanity was alive, but civilization was gone. In a bad world like this, doing good things gets you killed. One day he got lucky, though, and someone did something good for him. As he was wandering around the highway, looking through trucks and cars for something edible, he heard the loud thundering of a motorcycle. A man slowly cruised up to him, holding up a sawn off shotgun aiming at Pavlov. He wore a Hells Angels jacket and Pavlov thought he was a dead man. But the man talked to him for a bit and told Pavlov he was heading to Florida because of rumours that there were still good people there. And he asked if Pavlov wanted to go with him. After that, the story grew rather dull, as Pavlov mostly spent his time with this man driving to and fro. When they arrived in Florida they stumbled upon the camp by accident during a scavenging trip to find gasoline for the motorcycle. Well, maybe they didn't find the gasoline, but they found something better. Pre-Infection Career: Spent some time in the military as a Private (age 18 to 22) however he did not see much real combat action, being deployed mainly in security tasks in cities that were not under direct threat. Other: Pavlov wears sturdy leather boots, a torn and repaired-over-a-hundred-times set of cargo pants, a grey shirt with a blue vest over it. Has no real 'gear' as of yet as he mostly spends his time inside the camp helping out where he can and patrolling the fences. However he has made it clear that he'd like to be sent out to scavenge as well as he has grown bored of being inside the camp doing the same stuff everyday.