Mokuren heard that her partner was ready to hold on, not wishing to miss a class for something as minor as brain damage. While she was slightly sad that she couldn't speak to Shiro, she sat down anyway and smiled. He valued learning over licking his wounds. While it might be dangerous in some situations, she loved it now. Then there was some other things, someone was the daughter of someone and Geni seemed irritated and angered for some reason. She wanted to throw a marshmallow at him and remind him that no matter what, she hated him before everyone else. But, she didn't have a marshmallow, so she had to listen to what the teacher said. She was glad she came in slightly late and avoided the introductions. She didn't know how to introduce herself. The idea of Dust, as the teacher brought up, was an interesting one. Her weapon didn't have any dust useage, nor did she ever touch the stuff, but others seemed to like it's usage. Mokuren wondered if Sarasagi would use some sort of dust, but there wasn't much application for it. The mechanics where rather complex as it was.