[u][b]Kuhaku Shiro - 4th Period, Armory Class[/b][/u] Hearing his allowance to remain in class, Shiro brightly beamed and grinned. As the professor began his lesson with a introductory lecture in Dust, Shiro quickly pulled out his Scroll and located Sapphire and Mokuren in the Beacon Directory application installed on it. Sending them each a short text message, thanking them both for their concerns. [i]To: Rode, Sapphire From: Kuhaku, Shiro Subject: Thanks! "Hey, just wanted to thank you for your concern about my health and wellbeing. Thanks again, team leader!" To: Sabella, Mokuren From: Kuhaku, Shiro Subject: Thank you! :D "Hey, thank you for your offer to help me out when I may have been hurt. I'm glad to know that we're all looking out for each other! :3 P.S. - I know we're all on different teams, but I hope to get to know you better in the future and we become good friends! x3"[/i] Shiro's ears perked as his cheeks tinged a slight pink from sending the second message to Mokuren. With a big smile on his face, he expanded his Scroll into a tablet mode and began to take notes. Typing with swift efficiency as he devoted the remainder of his attention to the Professor's words. He wasn't too skilled in utilizing Dust in its raw, pure form, so he could stand to pay close mind. He was only familiar with using the Dust-based ammunition. As he recorded his notes, an odd scent wafted into his nostrils. He could detect stress within the room, looking up, he saw Geni and another student glaring daggers at each other. Though, unsure why, he frowned and tilted his head. Did those two know and not like each other? [i]"Did I miss something here?"[/i] Just then, a question popped into his head. [i]"Oh!"[/i] Raising his hand, he waited for the professor to address him. Once properly addressed, Shiro asked [b]"Excuse me, Professor? I apologize for disrupting your lesson, but may I ask when we'll be able to start working on our equipment? Such as maintenance and fine-tuning?"[/b] He lowered his arm and waited patiently for a response.