[quote=@The_written_John] Id rather it take someone like me, someone who struggles with learning more years to graduate so that i don get fucked into the streets homelss, jobless and potentially lifeless. [/quote] If you think taking extra time wont get you fucked into the streets, you're delusional because you're just as if not more likely to get fucked into the streets. It's far more competitive these days than is was twenty years ago. At that time you didnt need a college degree to support a family. Now you do. Colleges, at least the good ones, are very picky about who they allow to attend. If you take a long time and dont do well on the exams at the end, they'll drop you like a sack of potatoes if you're making them look bad. It's unfortunate but it's how life works. Also, >Leo's joke >The Ozone Layer >Earth's Crust >Hell >You Waaaaaaaay over your head.