Ryu looked at Tindy with a quizzical look. The situation the ship and all those aboard it were in and this girl was attempting to flirt with him? At least he thought she was. "No, we haven't..." He said. "I'm Ryu." He added, also announcing to the chef and the girl he had managed to identify as German from the accent. "As for your friend, you three are the first people I've seen bar the obese guy who tried to kill me not 10 minutes ago, so no I haven't seen her. A more pressing question though is what the hell is going on here? As I just mentioned, 10 minutes ago I woke up with someone trying to kill me. Then I come here and it's a massacre site and you're..." He motioned at the chef at this point, "... waving a damn spear around and dropping microwaves on people! What the hell was gotten into everyone suddenly?!" He was almost on the verge of shouting now. It was at that moment, just when Ryu thought things weren't going to get any worse that the lights went off, replaced with what must have been emergency lighting, the doors locked down and a warning about radiation blared out. Ryu let out an exasperated groan and shook his head. "Lovely. Just what I needed!"