[img]http://i.imgur.com/ZjRBkOr.png?1[/img] Name: Dima Kriskof Age:30 Background:Dima is a native Russian, and is proud of his heritage. His father was an outdoorsman and passed the passion on to his son. Before his father, Taras, died in an accident. Dima is a typical Russian man, roughly 6ft/5in tall, and heavily stubbled. He is on vacation visiting America to experience the country. This is his first time in America, and has been here for a few months. He cannot speak or understand a lot of English. Dima is used to living off of the land and is an avid hunter and fisher. He is very friendly and non impulsive. But is a recovering alcoholic. Dima generraly keeps to himself, although he isn't antisocial. Items:Glock 19 semiautomatic pistol,2 magazines (30 + 1 rounds of 9mm ammo), Bic lighter,Neck knife(a small knife worn around the neck) [img]http://i.imgur.com/LASEkHM.jpg?1[/img] Compass, and binoculars. Skills: Able to accuratly fire a variety of firearms. Able to skin and process game. Basic knowledge of survival. Intelligent and athletic.