Before that ^^ we were even for causing shit in the OOC, don't let the haters fool y'all fellas. Also, I think a few people here speak a lot of sense and if you truly consider what's been written I don't think anyone wants you to just leave the RP. If anything, looking over it seems as though they're trying to give you an alternate way to see things (which is a necessity in life IMHO) and it might not hurt to take a lesson from it. I've already learned from this that I should stop being so paranoid and seeing bad in people, it's all person building at the end of the day :) Edit; I've liked Leonerdo's post because I think that's the most important lesson to learn, sometimes life feels like it can get on top but you just need to beat that bitch into submission and get on with it because chances are the people you're thinking about having a moan to have problems equally as complex as yours.