"Yeah, I'm sure you will be. And don't worry, I will back you up. Just watch out for the constructs" Larek told Tran. "Constructs? Hmm. We suspected as much" Vespion mused. "Do you know what this place is? All I know is that it is a ruin" Tala replied. She knew a bit than that, but she wanted to hear what Vespion wanted to say. "Yes. This temple was build by the predecessors of my current order" he replied. "Say again? This ruin used to be like your great temple?" "I wouldn't quite say that. Think of it as a sort of early attempt at a center of worship for all the gods, which turned into a burial site, and a nexus of magical experimentation. The latter eventually got out of hand and so this temple was abandoned in the distant past." ---------------------------- "And your mother was a healer like you?" Orna inquired, curious. ---------------------------- Soon they were done shearing the sheep. "I'd like to practice some swordplay when the wool is put away. You are free to watch me, and I can show you some tips on self-defense if you want." ---------------------------- "Yup. One more step on the way to it" Veax replied.