[hider=Henrik Tarrot] Name: Henrik Tarrot [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/a379c9753aaec73ba8c04527f915d6f1/http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd250/gems_halo/Anime%20Pictures/Dudes/Demons%20and%20Vampires/5515925660_57efaa1842_zps74981652.jpg[/img] Age: 19 Gender: Male Abilities: Hellfire: He controls the fires of hell and most people think hell is warm and a bit on the toasty side, but Henrik’s flames burn cold. Imps: Tiny fire demons that are just about knee height. They love fire and fire magic and can freely throw fire balls or use themselves as bombs. Unspeakable commune: Drawing upon the demonic forces resting with in Henrik is able to summon a demonic guardian to fight on his side. If he loses focus while the demon is summoned it will not think twice about attacking the man foolish enough to summon it. [img]http://hd.wallpaperswide.com/thumbs/fire_demon-t2.jpg[/img] How you could work in a team: Im not completely sure, as a fighter I guess Personality: Caring and protective for his friends, but he has a hard time talking to people is often the silent and shy guy in the back of the class. History: Coming from a long line of occultists is never without its risks and when your parents make conceive you during a ritual it’s an ever bigger chance something will happen to you and that is the case with Henrik. As he was born his body kept shifting forms as he battled the demonic forces inside himself and in the end he won, but his right eye changed from a heavenly blue into a dark red. To put it bluntly, his parents were very happy. Through the years he has learned how to control his powers and he has even been able to summon forth a few demons. However he has never really liked the occult and has been seeking for a way out. He has found one through the Mana-script Academy and after he managed to trick his parents into believing it was all to strengthen his powers they allowed him to at least try to get into the school. Other: His body is slightly warmer than other peoples and he can often be found talking to himself [/hider]