Avani was barely aware that something rolled into her, and that the earth shifted around where she lay. She recognized Kasai’s voice, but said nothing in response. Maybe if they hadn’t been so focused on each other Ryuu would still be here. That just made her wonder where Mio was. Had she failed so badly at protecting her own team that the only one left was the damn sergeant…? When Kasai begged her to not punch her, and began to see to Avani’s arm she considered crushing them both within the rock shelter. She heard something crashing repeatedly into the walls of their shelter, and figured it was the spirit that had killed her friends. She’d kill that first. Avani moved so that her feet were touching the earth, which made her able to feel the immediate area around them. She only had strength to make some improvements to their shelter though, so she added more earth on top of them, turning it into long spikes, which impaled the spirits trying to break in, and a few holes only large enough to let in air. As she felt the fire burn the flesh of her right arm, she grabbed Kasai’s shoulder with her left hand and squeezed it. Avani was angered and confused by this woman. She was partly the reason the others were dead. It would be easier to blame her entirely, but then she’d be nothing but a coward and a weakling herself. On the other hand, just a moment ago she’d confessed to wanting to do things with her that she’d rarely considered doing with other women. Part of her still did. Kasai’s personality was quite bewitching. Most would have been threatened by Avani’s larger stature, physical demeanour, or her criminal background. Kasai hadn’t even left the mission to her, even when she’d used a few dirty tricks to get her to do so. Avani let go of the smaller woman’s shoulder, fearing she may break it just by trying to endure the pain she was burning into her wounded arm. She hoped that if they got out of this situation, she’d be able to control herself better and that Kasai wouldn’t mention what she had said to her earlier. Yet she had to close her eyes, bite her lower lip and grab onto a rock to keep herself from lashing out at Kasai every time she put the flame on her arm. Eventually, she wasn’t sure whether she wanted to punch her like she’d suggested or bite on the other woman’s lips instead of her own, in a rather violent kiss. Her gaze bore into Kasai’s face as the thoughts passed through her head. She passed from conscious state into a disturbed sleep when Kasai let up on inflicting pain on her. No pain would hopefully disturb her, but at least she seemed to be healing. She muttered a lot of incoherent words loudly, but those one would be able to make out included the names of her lost friends and Kasai. Her voice was fierce and powerful at times, and then weak and grieving. In the moments she was awake, she remembered past moments with her friends and how this had started out as any normal day, but now Ryuu was dead and Mio was who knew where. After an amount of time that felt like hours, but could be shorter, she regained some kind of semblance of sanity. Avani found Kasai still next to her, not like the firebender had much choice when they were trapped in a shelter made of earth. She checked her arm and found that it had stopped bleeding. It looked awful, scarred and singed, but at least she could still move it a little. She doubted she’d be able to use it for anything any time soon. Well, if she was going to brag about how good she was with her feet she should start living up to it. “Thanks.” She said to Kasai, keeping it short lest she say something else she’d regret. Avani used her feet to check the area for any nearby spirits or humans, but found nothing. She decided to open up their shelter so that they at least had an exit if they wanted to leave, but remained lying on her back, staring at the rocks above her.