Aurellius had been a tad disappointed at not having chosen to fight the cougar type Grimm, but had been placated by being able to watch the fight that ensued. It was amusing to say the least. Slightly disappointing that the creature was only a youngling, it would've been certainly nice to watch a full grown one rip people to shreds. Of course, when invited to fight his own Grimm, Aurellius grinned happily. As he stood up, carrying the bulk of Ascalon on his shoulder, he stepped onto the grass five or so meters from the monster. The bovine beast was a sight to behold. His eyes widened slightly as he took it in, noticing its thick muscles and strong legs. It reminded him of those old Cowboy holo-vids he had watched as a child. Aurellius looked back to the crowd of students. "Anyone got a lasso? No? How about a red cape? Nothing?" He shrugged as he turned around, staring at the bull. Shrugging his jacket off of his shoulders, he dropped his weapon onto the ground as he stepped forwards, holding the jacket like an improvised cape. The bull snorted slightly as he waved it around, ignoring him completely. Aurellius stamped his feet, trying to get it to do something. Anything. The cow grunted in response. With a scowl, he tossed the jacket to the side and scooped up Ascalon in one quick motion, the weapon beginning to whirr as he held down the trigger. "Respond to this, asshole," Aurellius said as the minigun began to fire. The weapon began firing, explosively propelled bullets launched towards it. The two second burst collided with it, peppering its flank with bloody holes as it let out a scream of anger and began charging towards him rapidly. Having been satisfied, he threw the weapon to the side and scooped up his jacket again, running at the beast with fervor. He stopped on the drop of a dime, spinning slightly as the bull charged through his feint, going past his flipping jacket and stopping itself, nostrils expunging air as it suddenly stared at him. Aurellius stayed still for a moment before suddenly backing up, tempting the Grimm to charge at him again, only to be halted by a step to the side as he positioned himself next to his weapon. He flipped a switch as he grabbed it, the gun transforming into a lance as the bull passed him again, only to be on the receiving end of a quick stab. It roared with pain as he penetrated its thick leather, grinning as he dug it in deep before pulling out to avoid being gored by its horns. He stabbed at it again, cursing as the tip of his lance glanced off the beast. He backed off just in time as its sharp horns flew inches past his face. He turned and flipped another switch, activating the jets on his pack. The bull screamed yet again as fiery red dust covered it as Aurellius was launched away. Spinning in midair, he landed ten meters away, stopping himself and flipping the Grimm off. It snorted angrily and charged yet again, and Aurellius responded with something stupid. He pole-vaulted it. His weapon dug into the soil as Aurellius flipped over the head of the Sitting Bull, landing backwards on it with a grunt as the beast sent Ascalon flying. With no hesitation, he turned around, hands wrapping around its horns and his thighs clamping tight. It bucked, legs kicking backwards as he held on, letting out a whooping sound as he let go with one hand, waving it around as the beast began kicking. With a grin, his semblance activated, any pain in his body trickling away as he grabbed onto the Sitting Bull's left horn. Aurellius began pulling with all of his strength, ignoring both the popping sounds coming from his muscles and the bull's new cries of pain. With a horrible ripping sound, its horn was pulled out of the socket, blood spurting out of the newly created hole as the bull screamed more. Flipping the horn around in his hand, Aurellius brought it down on the beast's neck. Its scream cut to a gurgle as a large gash was opened in its jugular. Aurellius kept on stabbing, the beast's bucks slowing down until it finally collapsed, blood pumping weakly from the newly created holes. Aurellius hopped off of its back, hands bloody. "Well. That certainly was fun, I'm gonna keep this as a souvenir if nobody minds," he said, holding up the horn.