[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/8aSb6mB.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Introduction[/b][/center] [i]Twelve years ago, the Trade Republic of Bresiroth's exploration fleet discovered Kasum, a vast and untamed continent across the western sea. An attempt was made by the Republic to colonise the faraway land, but after months of silence from the colony, a supply fleet discovered the small outpost ravaged by an unknown foe. The news stifled colonial enthusiasm back home, and so the next wave of brave pioneers were paid double the wages of their predecessors. To be sure that the new colony would not meet the same fate as the last, the Stadtholder of Bresiroth invited mercenaries and explorers to accompany colonists, offering a bountiful salary for their service. You are one of these brave souls. For one reason or another, fate has found you on this new and wild continent, and it is your duty to expand and conquer the unknown in the name of god, the king, or simply your paycheck. But be warned, dear explorer, for the land of Kasum is ancient and dire, and will quickly devour any colonist brave enough to venture onwards unprepared. [/i] [center][b]Information:[/b][/center] In this roleplay, your job is to interact with your fellow colonists in an attempt to explore and conquer terra incognita (unknown land), while also helping the colony of New Bayheath thrive and survive. I'm going to try and keep things simple so that you don't have to read an essay just to fill out a character application, but if you'd like clarification on anything just let me know and I'll go into more detail. [b]The World[/b] [hider=] This roleplay takes place in New Bayheath, a Bresiroth colony on the shores of Kasum. Kasum is one of two continents on the planet Jinai, the other being Maltha, where all players would have been born. Maltha is a very diverse and large continent akin to Eurasia, in that it spans many climates and is home to a variety of people, cultures, and nations. Centuries ago the continent was plagued by monsters of all designs, though after years of heroes banishing them from the civilised world, they've become the stuff of myth. I will eventually create a map of Maltha with a list of nations, but for now, feel free to make them up when you're writing your character application, but keep in mind that your background (at least where your character is from) is subject to change. In regards to the tech-level, Maltha is similar to Eurasia in the 15th century. Firearms and cannons are still in very early development, and cannot be found outside of an engineer's workshop, meaning traditional weapons are still the standard for nearly everyone. Very little is known about Kasum, other than that it is a tropical and covered in dense jungle. On the horizon looms a singular black mountain, that some colonists speculate to be volcanic. New Bayheath is surrounded by a small plain that quickly turns into thick jungle, giving the colony some room for expansion. The town is meager, with a population of some 300 people, all of whom are administered by the head of the colony, Governor-General Gabriel. Gabriel will cooperate with his mercenaries in the exploration of Kasum, so long as their suggestions are in the colony's interests. [/hider] [b]Races[/b] [hider=] Humans: I don't think I need to describe human physicality, but in Maltha they are found in the west, and have divided themselves into many petty kingdoms and republics. Humans get along decently with other races, but often prefer that they remain in their own nations. Dwarves: These subterranean folk are believed to be ethnically similar to humans, some will even tell you that dwarves and humans share a common ancestor. Because of this believed shared ancestry, dwarves get on best with humans in terms of diplomacy, and the dwarven fiefdoms of the southern mountains have historically allied themselves with the humans to the west. Typically dwarves are shorter and stockier than humans, standing at around 4 - 5 feet in height. Elves: The elves of Maltha all stem from the ancient, and still standing, Republic of Azor, a powerful nation to the snowy north of the continent. Elves are typically highly xenophobic, and have expressed a policy of isolation for hundreds of years. However the Elven republic has recently been weakened by plague, causing many of its citizens to flee into the neighbouring nations to seek work wherever possible. Elves, despite their preference for other elves, are pragmatic, and won't start trouble with races they don't like if it doesn't benefit their larger goals. They are typically taller than humans, and a great deal paler. Orcs: Most of Maltha's orc population are part of the Red Hand Empire, a loose collection of a thousand different clans and families all under the reign of the Red Emperor. Many orcs however live throughout Maltha, serving as bodyguards, mercenaries, or simple thugs. An orc's great stature, standing at around 7 feet, make them formidable opponents if well equipped and well trained. They are typically discriminated against because of their barbaric appearance, possessing sharp teeth, slanted brows, and bizarre green skin. Other Races: Maltha is home to many more races that will not be mentioned to keep this brief. If you don't want to play as any of the above, leave me a note explaining your chosen race (nothing too outlandish please), and I'll incorporate them into the world. [/hider] [b]Religion:[/b] [hider=] Faith in Maltha is something used to unite people in times of crisis. Priests and clerics wield no divine power, and cannot "smite" as is common in many fantasy worlds. Much like on earth, the existence of gods is debated, but popular nonetheless. [b]Atalism[/b] Atalism is the belief in an omniscient and all powerful deity known as Atal. Atalism is very popular throughout the human Kingdoms, and even among some dwarves. Its dogma is similar to Catholicism, condoning the conversion (and saving) of heathens, whereas heretics must be punished, and then converted. [b]Tanism[/b] Tanism is a heresy of Atalism, which believes in the idea of a divine power, but condemns forceful conversion, religious intolerance, and religious violence. Tanists are a minority group who are often attacked by Atalists regimes for their humanist and unorthodox views. [b]Strollism[/b] Stroll is the mythological founder of the first dwarven nation, and has become a heroic figure worthy of worship throughout the dwarven fiefdoms. Stroll is worshipped almost exclusively by dwarves, who attempt to be like him in all ways, ie. be courageous, resolute, willful, and proud of your heritage. Strollists will never attempt to convert another race, as it is seen as a religion purely for the dwarven people. [b]Paganism[/b] Practised mainly by both the elves of the north and the orcs to the east, paganism has no specific gods or doctrines, and simply involves worshipping the anything other than Atalism, Tanism, or Strollism. [/hider] [center][b]Magic[/b][/center] [hider=] Ancient texts from nearly all races speak of individuals capable of handling fire, spitting lightning, darkening the sky, and raising the dead. It is believed that in the past, in a time before science, magic was a prominent force. In today's world, magic is merely the stuff of legend. [/hider] [center][b]Rules:[/b][/center] 1. Don't write like a chimp, take a bit of pride in your posts. 2. That said, try not to post 5 paragraph long responses. Unless its warranted by the roleplay, keep your posts around two or three paragraphs long. 3. Try not to venture off on your own. Not so much a rule, just advice really. 4. Don't whine, if you have criticism or a complaint, voice it like an adult. 5. Follow the rules of the site. [center][b]Character Application[/b][/center] [hider=] Name: Race: Age: Sex: Appearance: (Link an image and/or provide details of their physicality, things like height, weight, how they walk, how they sound, any disabilities, etc. ) Profession: Social Ranking: (Colonists rank below the mercenaries tasked to protected them, though both are administered by the Govenor-General, played by yours truly) Talents: Personality: Recent history: (I don't need to know how your character grew up, but include their reasons for joining the colony) [/hider] [center][b]Final Notes:[/b][/center] This roleplay will be a lethal one, meaning that character death will occur, but not too often and never unfairly. Death will be the punishment for naive and careless characters, though don't be afraid of making such a character, as the roleplay could be fun all the same.