"Bravo, Bravo!" the professor cheered, "This is how the best stories are made!" he said, the boy doing everything he - and if the loud cheers were any indication, his teammate - expected of this match. "Unfortunately, Nature would have your wish not granted." he lectured as the horn in Aurellius' hand begun to dissolve like the rest of the grimm's body. "And that is why we must take every opportunity to study the live specimen! As you may have seen, this fight was rather easy, but be not mistaken. In the wild, these usually form herds of hundreds that would make greater grimm less dangerous." the lecture continued. Port took his notebook and opened it on the page with the current class. He wanted to see how members of the other teams did. Picking a name and looking up, he noticed another one who volunteered and fit the criteria. "Mister Taupe, perhaps you would care to go next?" he smiled at the student as he moved along to the next cage, considerably smaller than the last one but none the less containing an interesting specimen, a broodling.