When things first went down both Adrian and Lucian had taken off into the night. [b][i][u]Adrian.[/u][/i][/b] [color=9e0b0f]Adrian had taken off without a word, now wasn't a time for words, it was time for actions. After taking his leave he had went to all of his connections about the rogues and slowly but surely he had gathered information on everything that was happening in the city. After he found what he could and also he had scrounged up his allies and told them the family might call should war be declared. Adrian was now in the back of a black town car with a large Cuban Cigar in his mouth and a dark scowl on his face even his eyes reflected his disdain. After a few minutes the car pulled up to the Tortuga and Adrian got out and walked right through the doors.[/color] "Well as long as you're offering drinks..." [b][i][u]Lucian.[/u][/i][/b] [color=fff200]Lucian was taking things much much worse. After the reality ha set in that he might never see her...hear her voice...smell her sweet scent again...an almost deathly stillness had taken hold of the blue eyed knight, now here he was in the worst part of New York, The ghetto was filled with drug addicts and gangbangers...all killers. Lucian was shaking as he walked, not with fear, no he was shaking now with undeniable need to drink and slaughter to let out everything that was building in him. Lucian took the last of his sanity and used it to call his sire and oldest friend. it rang and when Preator picked up Lucian spoke plainly but quietly the oncoming madness trickling through his voice, [/color]"I'm in the ghetto...And I can't hold him back anymore..."[color=fff200] he didn't let him say anything back as he hung up the phone. The vampire hunted till he found a house he could smell the drugs and guns, Lucian knocked softly and the moment the door cracked open he kicked it in so hard it shattered the gang members ribs. Lucian was on him before he coul even utter a scream and for the first time in well over 60 years Lucian drank fresh human blood. After a few seconds that seemed like hours Lucian dropped a corpse. He then started making his way through the house using his powers and strength to slaughter everyone in the home one by one until the entire house was a bloodbath and Lucian himself stood in the livingroom dripping with their blood as he started laughing, that kind of laughter only one who was truly evil could laugh, slowly but surely his laughter picked up until it filled the house. [u][i][b]War had returned.[/b][/i][/u][/color]