Jeff was surprised when Dahlia reached for his sunglasses, but did nothing to express it. His stomach sank somewhat, knowing how worried she must be to find such a brutal mark left over his eye, and felt bad for it. Being one of the older members of the team, and on top of that his natural protector complex, meant he always felt responsible for everyone's well being. Their emotional well being was no different, which is why he often did what he felt was necessary in secret. If they didn't know, they couldn't worry about him. Dahlia's gentle examination sent blood rushing to his face; Jeff was not familiar with such intimate contact. Almost completely rigid, Jeff began to feel like he needed to put her at ease but he didn't know what to do. Awkwardly, he mumbled "It's not as bad as it looks," before she released his shades, causing him to wince ever so slightly. Jeff was puzzled by her looking all around, but simply stood there oblivious to what she was planning. When Dahlia returned to him, he involuntarily inhaled deeply; not knowing what to expect, he assumed it would hurt. It only lasted a moment, but the effects were apparent immediately. Jeff's wounded eye stopped hurting completely, and the swelling subsided significantly. He couldn't help but smile as he peered into the tinted lenses of Dahlia's sunglasses. "I had no idea you were so talented." he commented with quiet awe. "perhaps next time I'll take you with me." He couldn't help but joke with a crooked grin, though he quickly resigned to a defensive position, holding his hands up to her scolding "not a word I swear..." his voice trailed off. In that moment Jeff couldn't decide whether he should tell her the truth behind it or not. Feeling courageous, he quickly tried to gather his thoughts but when he opened his mouth to explain, Dahlia spoke. It wasn't intentional, but that was all it took for him to decide against it. Nodding once, Jeff began down the alleyway once more. As they walked, the silence was bothering him, and he began feeling bad for keeping secrets. This group relied on him, probably more than they realized, and his secrets were causing him to mentally drift away from them. He felt even worse about hiding things from Dahlia, who had become so important to him. Finally, in a vain attempt to justify himself he looked over at Dahlia and said "You know, I only take risks when it is important. I wouldn't do so if I didn't have to..." It was vague, he knew, but it was all he could bring himself to say at this point. It wasn't long before the two arrived at a coffee shop. It was one that Jeff passed daily, and always found the smell coming from it to be so pleasant. It had a wide selection of coffees and baked goods. Jeff ordered for them, and as they sat at a small table in the corner, his eyes began it scan the mundanes. It seemed amazing to him that they could be so oblivious to the imposters among them. 'Perhaps that is part of the mundanes' way of life' He pondered. As the morning grew late, they sat and discussed those they observed for a while, and eventually Jeff's mind began to wander again. Slowly, he came to decide, in the back of his mind, that he would tell them all of his work this evening.