“What!? Oh dear,” Rouen exclaimed looking at the hoof tracks leading towards the forest. [i]“Well, it doesn’t matter. That mount was growing less and less useful as the days went on. No idea why the stablehand gave me such an old horse. I probably would have had to put it out of its own misery after a few more days of riding. Such is the nature and purpose of animals,”[/i] he thought and let out a sigh. He looked down at the snowy cat-like thing and he raised an eye in suspicion. “And some should be put out before they can cause any trouble,” he thought looking at the thing as the village-girl brushed its fur with her single useable hand. Rouen’s shoulders drooped slightly out of feeling pity for her. Her silver eyes and silver hair contrasted deeply with her dark skin. He could see a certain exotic beauty in the mismatching colors, but all in all she seemed less human than some fay he had encountered. [i]“Poor girl, I wonder what kind of horrible event led to that,”[/i] he thought looking at the stump of her missing arm. He reached down to his belt pouch and pulled out a silver coin. “Here you go village-girl, I hope this will alleviate your troubles. Take heart, for I am sure you will be able to find paid work somewhere. I know for instance that my Duke Penthieve’s castle has a scullery maid with a missing hand who works twice as hard and is well respected for her endeavors. In fact, her leopard-jaguar stew is a rather delicious delicacy. With due diligence and aspiration I am sure you too can live a productive life,” he said with a smile. A windchill blew through him, and he shivered as it carried away heat. He breathed and he was filled with the smell of stew and good food from the tavern. A song was also being played inside. It reminded Rouen of the court entertainers from home. [i]“Looks like even here some people have good taste in music,”[/i] he thought. “Well village-girl I’ll be off. I would also leave that cat as soon as possible, wild things are not meant to be kept as pets. May the goddess’ grace be with you,” he said cheerfully and tossed the coin towards her. He then took a step towards the tavern door, which immediately opened. Rouen looked down and was greeted by the sight of another white-haired being. This one however, had pale skin with eerie green pupil-less eyes. He wore some type of loose robe held tight by a cloth sash. [i]“Are those ears?”[/i] Rouen thought looking at the strange growths that were where his ears should have been. "Welcome to the Blue Moon Tavern! I'm Sessamaru, the local swordmage and a wanderer. A pleasure to meet you!" [i]“Sword mage? So he uses fay magic and is definitely a fay, I should probably keep an eye out. And he is so skinny, I wonder if he can actually use a sword let alone wield it. And he speaks so proudly. Never thought I would meet someone who was happy to be just wandering. Although I will appreciate his mannerisms,”[/i] he thought and gave a light bow in return. Before Rouen could he respond, the fay Sessamaru held a hand towards the person next to him, "And this is Miss Naida, a bartender and waitress here at the Blue Moon." His companion also had white hair. “I wonder if this is some new type of fay,” Rouen wondered at the hair colors. This one however, had fluttering insectoid wings on her back. "So where you from, knight-boy? I haven't seen you around these parts before." She said. [i]“Knight-boy?”[/i] Rouen thought and a light hint of irritation appeared on his face at the word boy. “Well innkeeper, I hail from the lands of Duke Penthievre. I see that you have quite a marvelous and quaint tavern here. May we discuss this inside? It has been a long and weary journey and the weather out is not agreeable,” he replied as the wind blew again.