Andreios raised an brow at her. "No wonder your father wishes for the safer route. You're as graceful as a new born deer." He shook his head and examined the problem. Her hair was definitely entangled with the branch, with little hope of return. Served her right trying to go off ahead in that reckless manner. However, she was always that way wasn't she. She was the mage who wanted and insisted in traveling with a mercenary who had an obvious issue with mages. It was common sense was foreign language to her. He took to her side, stopping her horse, the pulling only made things worse. "Well, I see two solutions. I cut your hair, or I cut the branch and it can be an accessory in which you will have to deal with for the rest of your days." Of course, he could spend the time untangling it, as he was now, but telling her that would take all joy from his empty life. And what was the point of anything if he couldn't enjoy the little things still.