Name:Ro Appearance:[hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] Level of corruption:There is nothing to redeem left this dragon Skills:His sheer size is basically all he has in the manner of physical prowess. Magic Abilities:Necromancy is his one and only trait and he is incredibly powerful in it. Backstory: Ro fell to corruption willingly, he had always been a dragon who sought knowledge above everything else. And within the taint he found it, limitless dark knowledge and subjects he could test on without having to worry about things like their sanity or safety. Within the corruption he forgot morals and he experimented on the intelligent races. Man, dwarf, elf, and even other dragons. In his corruption he found a hatred for everything, not just the living but for the undead minions he used. He wishes to see the world destroyed for an eternity, which made him hated even among the members of the Black Rose. Who he hates just as much as the council, seeing both factions as pitiful excuses for dragons. He rules over the land in and round the Ghost tower going all the way up to the Haunted sands formerly called The Libarium, and the city that dwells at it's feet used to be called Narthias but is now called the dread city, they earned these names when Ro came and set upon them wiping out everything and converting their populations and their landscape into a twisted corruption of what it once was, his legions of the dead only serving him for one thing and that is destroying all life. Nonetheless Ro does have a few humans under his command and they are generally made up in his infamous black legion, who are known for taking prisoners so that Ro and his corrupted mages can experiment on them turning them into new forms of the dead. Holdings-The Ghost Tower and Haunted Sands with everything in between. [hider=description of blasted lands] [img][/img] The lands where Ro makes his home is devoid of both light and life, the only thing that wanders this place that has a pulse is Ro and his black legion soldiers. Every living thing has been killed or changed to alter the landscape, herds of wild horses wander the wastes in various states of decay, wolves that have been experimented on magically also wander looking for their next meal seemingly able to disappear and then reappear when coming for their pray. Anyone who enters is subject to seeing and dealing with these beasts in their most corrupted states, as well as hearing the voices of the damned the lucky and unlucky ones that were killed so fast in Ro's appearance that they didn't even know they died but they live their lives as if nothing happened apparitions of themselves hence the tower of ghosts. The voices are enough to send a man insane, and the fact that there is nothing to live off of makes it hard for a marching army to sustain itself on the march within Ro's borders. The inhabited parts things like villages and towns are inhabited purely by the undead, mindless thralls used either as cheap and effective cannon fodder or used to gather food from what little uncorrupted soil they have. And the one city sits at the base of a giant spire that rises from it like a spike, Narthias a blasted city full of the dead teeming to get out and spread their lords will and bring decay too anything they touch. [/hider] Current location-Ghost Tower Allegiance-Himself Other-In honor of Rylath