[u][b]ARMOURY[/b][/u] As he sat and listened to the rest of the students introduce themselves Victor whispered back to Rayna “I’m not certain about the standards either, but why [i]not[/i] accept anyone who’s willing? A pervert can kill a Grimm just as easily as a Monk. A terrorist can probably kill a Grimm better than most, so I can kind of understand the logic. I don’t agree, but I understand it. That Shiro seems a bit... loud and him and Mokuren give the same vibe as that Robert and Pricilla. I suppose it's good to see that Beacon is such an accepting place right? Besides, I'm still learning about our team so I don't [i]really[/i] have the time to worry about that. It's you I'm more interested in hearing about.” Grinning broadly Victor slightly reclined in his chair to listen to Rayna’s introduction. [i]Aeronautics? As in planes and such? That seems rather specialised[/i] the Professor almost immediately confirmed this and unveiled a part of Rayna’s origins. Glancing up from where he sat Victor could tell Rayna was uncomfortable and when she finally sat down she looked like she wanted to melt into the floor. Unsure what to do Victor did something he rather disliked, he used his mechanical arm in a rather intimate way and put it around Rayna’s shoulders. Leaning in close Victor whispered in Rayna's ear “I guess I was right to call you Captain... Captain Rayna.” Smiling Victor disentangled himself and asked “Now, Rayna, could you please do me a favour? Since you seem to have an affinity for removing my arm off if you would be so kind? I would like to do some maintenance” Extending his arm he offered it to Rayna, hoping she realised how much he was actually trusting her by doing this.