[h3]Lilly's Post[/h3] *Thud* Lilly collapsed to the floor in the communal showers, leaning up against the wall and just letting the water pour over her, cleansing her of the accursed chalk and dust that covered her body. The exercise circuits, followed by their mock battle had left her with barely enough energy to move, much less stand to clean herself. After waiting for a few moments to regain some of her energy, Lilly started to scrub herself down from the seated position, paying particular attention to her hair which was absolutely filthy. [b]"Disgusting. Dirty. Filthy. Guh..."[/b] Lilly muttered to herself angrily, as she cleaned up. Why was it that the neat freak was the one that ended up getting the dirtiest... Lilly smiled wryly to herself as she remembered: -------------------- *Crack Crack* *Crack Crack* *Crack* *Ping* [b]"Ah! Reloading!"[/b] Lilly ducked behind the sandbags of her and Private Glaive's makeshift foxhole, as the two of the took turns popping up to fire a few chalk rounds at the advancing Squad Six. Fumbling for her ammunition as she tried to reload her S1 as quickly as possible, she both thanked and cursed the fortifications. They provided her with protection from the bullets, but every time a round struck it, it showered her with dirt and sand - something she was immensely displeased with. At the start of the practice skirmish, she had followed Alex and the two had stumbled upon a small depression in the field that held several partially broken sandbags and pieces of wood. Due to the fact that it overlooked a good portion of the battlefield, and that they were both equipped with the long ranged variants of Gallian rifles, they had decided to hold up and fortify this position while they waited for the slower members of their squad (shock troopers/lancers) to catch up. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on who you asked), they had only just finished propping up the last sandbag when Squad Six began their assault by sending a group of shock troopers charging towards them, ducking from cover to ditch to cover as they rapidly advanced. *Crack Crack Crack* As Alex ducked down to reload, Lilly spotted a shock trooper trying to sneak around to the side of their position, and quickly remedied that situation by two rounds into his chest plate, and one into his leg. They were doing well. Lilly, while still nervous and shaky, was infinitely calmer than her first time in combat (a reassurance brought by the fact that the chalk rounds they were facing were non-lethal). Though she missed all of her shots at the start of the battle, she was beginning to get the hang of it, and was now actually able to fire somewhat accurately. Through their combined efforts, the two of them were able to halt Squad Six's advance with supressing fire for just long enough for the rest of Squad Four to arrive. (Lilly had only managed to eliminate that one trooper) Unfortunately for Lilly, though, her participation in the battle did not extend much longer. When she stood up to fire at another soldier she saw attacking them, she was suddenly assaulted by a massive cloud of smoke and chalk that erupted from just in front of her. *POOF!* [b]"Ack! Hack! What was THAT!?"[/b] Lilly did not have to wonder long as she spotted Squad Six's medium tank rolling out of the woods to their left. She fell back and lay down, both from needing to play 'dead' in accordance to the rules and also from a feeling of resignation. They had been out witted. The shock troopers in the front were just decoys to allow the tank to sneak around to their side. She resolved to be more vigilant in the future, as she waited for the battle to end. Fortunately Private Glaive had not been hit by the smoke round. -------------------- Despite her best efforts in the shower, Lilly was still a mess. She was no longer covered in chalk and dust, but her hair was matted and she doubted she would get all the grit out from under her fingernails for some time. The amount that she had been able to clean up, though, was somewhat satisfactory and it improved her mood a great deal. As she walked to the common area, she spotted Corporal Stichler in the hallway, covered in a fair bit of dirt, and probably on her way to the showers Lilly just came from. Straightening her posture (for it seemed improper to look at ease when addressing someone of a higher rank), Lilly nodded in greeting. [b]"Good evening, Corporal. How did you fair on the battlefield?" [/b]