Felan stayed to himself, big surprise there, while he ate his second breakfast as civilly as possible. At some point, he had stopped fooling around with the knife and just skewered large chunks of meat on his fork. But at least he was using a fork. He was near the point of finishing, already thinking of the chores he had at home, when one of the tavern's patrons came over to his table. Felan looked up as a lizard man sat down in front of him. [i]The[/i] lizard man. The one he had caught trying to hunt on his land several times. The large man frowned. The reptile began on about some offer he had, each word only digging himself deeper. Felan stared at him with an expression of complete uninterest. The words chosen by the reptile were not very flattering; it was clear that striking deals was not his strong point. When he finally finished, Felan having polished off the last of his meal, the skin changer pushed his plate aside. "I am not a goat, and I am not a child. I would appreciate if you would stop referring to me as one," He said, his voice almost like a growl. He was blatantly displeased. Felan didn't care [i]how[/i] old the lizard was. He was a full grown man, and he refused to be called a 'kid', especially by a being who clearly lacked good judgement. "And whatever offer you think you have, you can forget it. I have no care for anything you can provide."