Name: Aura James Kalstov Nickname: Whisper Age:20 Appearance (please provide a picture):[img][/img] Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Likes: Firearms, Reading, Games, Writing Fiction, Particularly likes love stories Dislikes: Abuse/Serious Crime, People who let laziness destroy their lives, Pointless conflicts Rank: Corporal Powers (not too powerful, please!): Incredible Reflexes Skills and Expertise: Aura is an expert with most firearms, knives and hand to hand combat. She is incredibly good with computers, whether that be hacking or normal programming. She is a fast reader, as she's been at it for awhile to escape the bad parts of her world. She is also rather good at utilizing what charm she has to get people to trust her. Backstory (at least a paragraph, explaining how it came to be that you joined the Peacekeepers): Aura was a member of a secretive US Program to create the ultimate soldier, at least skill wise, known as Charlie Protocol. Training from the tender age of six years old molded her into the ultimate warrior, and the ultimate hacker, though it rendered her incapable of relating to other people, a sociopath. That all changed when she was first deployed, to Kyoto, Japan. There, she came into conflict with another program, AEGIS. It was a program of super-soldiers, though not as well trained as Charlies, that operated in Japan. So, her best defense was to blend in, and as a result she at first had to fake a normal personality. However, as more and more time was spent in Japan, that fake slowly became real as she got friends, a life, and eventually even a boyfriend, though the eventual breakup threatened to relapse her. She came to join the Peacekeepers shortly after, when her universe was found. Though it didn't join the collective, as it had no unviversal government, a few special individuals were taken on as volunteers, Aura one of them. Her high combat and technical skill lead her to, first, joining the equivalent of SWAT. Operators sent in when things got a little too real, and a soldier's touch was needed. However, when she showed a particular skill not just at killing things, but also at being the diplomatic face of her team, she was promoted up the ranks. Personality: She is bright and cheerful on the surface, ready to joke with her friends and allies. She can be quiet at times, particularly when reading, but not out of shyness. Though, a darkness lurks in her, an emotionless, pragmatic side kept in check only by her friends and allies. Too much trauma, and she recedes into this persona, making decisions and taking actions based solely on pragmatism, regardless of her relations with those involved. Universe of Origin (can be an OC, an Alternate Universe character, or Canon. Please specify which one it is): OC and Original Universe, though very similar to the current world of Earth on the surface.