[b][u]Trad-[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP3MuUTmXNk]Grimm Studies[/url][/u][/b] When he heard Ben being picked first, Trad changed his raised hand into a thumbs up towards the Bastion leader. “Good luck.” As soon as Port opened the cage Trad was on edge. He knew Ben could take the cub, but how well? He got his answer during the match. Watching Ben dodge, counter, and trip up the wendigo was amazing! Half way through he gave up trying to follow in his book and just watched the fight. When the foe was defeated, Trad pumped his arm at his side and let out a small “Yes!” “That was a great demonstration of skill, Ben.” Trad congratulated as the class moved out doors, “I’m eager to see what manner of Grimm we’ll see next.” However, the next Grimm didn’t impress Trad, but rather the student. Not only was he fighting in what looked to be an expensive suit, but he wasn’t taking any of it seriously. Either this Bellum guy had impressive skills, or they were about to see what comes from over confidence. Luckily for him, it was the first. Putting on a show for the crowd he teased the Sitting Bull while landing a few good hits. It looked like this sharp dressed man knew what he was doing, and then he vaulted onto the bull and lost his weapon. “Well, looks like this is the end for-“ Trad spoke quietly to his team before the breaking of horns cut him off. “I guess I spoke too soon.” He applauded the “cowboy” walking back to the cheering class. How could he have done that though? This guy didn’t look like he had the brawn to pull that off without hurting himself somehow. And yet there he was, strolling back like it was nothing. Turning his attention back to the field, he awaited to see what the next battle had in store.