[quote=@Hella Cute] Wait, who's getting banned? [/quote] I had a warning once but I contested it and everything worked out. And it had nothing to do with Precipice besides. We've had hard times in the past, dealing with the Sporum and then the MCF, but I really think the people who run this place are reasonable and easy to work with. Judging by the talks we had with them back when we were worried that their rules against smut would get in the way, I have a lot of faith in their ability to judge these things and I don't think what we do is going to trigger their sensors. We should just keep on rolling and not worry about it. Just don't argue too much with OP's in other RP's and everything will be fine. [quote=@Dinh AaronMk] No one yet, I hope. But if bans are permanent than first to fell will likely trigger another exodus. So don't get banned. On unrelated shenanigans, PoW art. [hider] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2015/056/2/a/scene_from_the_suez_by_aaronmk-d8jj5vz.jpg[/img][/hider] http://aaronmk.deviantart.com/art/Scene-from-the-Suez-516536207 [/quote] We need to get you a studio somewhere. "The Art of Precipice of War". Make [s]us[/s] you some money.