Rouen followed Naida into the tavern. As she spoke to him he got chance to take a look around. [i]"The inn-keep wasn't lying about this place being comely,"[/i] he thought and relaxed. There were several tables and some chairs with seats made of some material that looked very comfortable to sit on. The walls were decorated, and there even was a stand for performers. He didn't know if there was something in the atmosphere, or maybe it was a result of the decorations, that put him in a trance. [i]"This place feels...really nice after months out in the woods," [/i]he pondered. He hardly took notice of the other patrons in the inn. "-It will warm up you right quick and make you feel like a new man," he heard from the white-haired lady. His eyes widened as he realized that he wasn't exactly paying attention to anything that she was saying. She continued talking and offered him what looked like some kind of ale. [i]"Never seen ale with that color before, well it can't be too bad,"[/i] he thought. "Thank you-er Naida right? Sorry, Miss I'm bad with names," he replied uneasily. He raised the glass and was about to take a sip when he felt something hit him hard on the back of his head. He flinched and he spilled the drink into his jerkin. "Who did-," he said and his brows came together in an expression of shock. He looked behind and saw the village-girl with her pet cat looking at him, hand drifting to her side. "Look asshole, I don't give a shit what dukedom or castle or whatever you grew up in, and I don't need your pity," he heard. She then walked away saying, "You talk to me again, I'm letting my pet tear your throat out." Rouen's eye twitched. [i]"Why that little uncultured selfish ungrateful crettin,"[/i] he fumed and clenched both of his hands into fists. His body reacted to his emotional state as he felt electric currents run from his head to his feet and back. A small buzzing noise resounded from the glass half-filled with ale in his hand as the current ran into it generating static shock. He took a step forward.