[b]Geni/Armory Class[/b] This kid...Ivan was really starting to get in Geni's nerves. That look on his face was on that Geni could recognize, the face that almost every human had. Disgust, and it was pointed all towards him, and it was angering Geni all the more. Geni was usually a calm and collected guy, but everything changed once he let one little thing slip. He used to be invisible to most students, all of a sudden almost everyone was thinking or whispering about him. It was like he could hear every thought, every snicker, every whisper, and it was all negative. "How could they let a terrorist into our school?" "I though Beacon had much higher standards." "Who would have thought a member the White Fang would be here sitting amongst us." Geni heard it all, and he hated it, absolutely disspized it. His body was shaking with rage, one of his pencils was starting to break. He felt another voice at the edge of his conscious. It grew and grew until to began to rival the one that he already had. "All of them hate you. You could end it all, by making an example of that kid." one side whispered. "No, that is not the solution, those who resort to violence to solve stupid problems are terrorist." whispered the other side. They both argued in his head, pushing for 2 different beliefs. Geni shook even more and his pencil finally broke in his hand. He had snapped, one side had finally beat the other. Geni stood up abruptly and stared at Ivan, and smiled. His demeanor had changed once again, but it was not like before. This time, it was like he was a different person, this Geni was new to everyone he had met so far in this school. "It looks like you have a problem with lil'ol me. Why don't you say it out loud, I wanna here ya. So I sock the shit out you so hard that it would take and archaeologist to find it." He said with a bit of and edge to his voice.