Rebound nodded and shook her hand gently for a moment before dropping it, his gaze locking onto her eyes for a moment, then he quickly looked away. "Yeah, uh, you're right. This happens to you about, umm, I think every two or three weeks." He began walking towards the lounge, assuming that she would follow him. "Today's Saturday, so we don't have any classes today. Plus, it's kind of a weird day cause we've got so many new students arriving today." He waved his hand towards the rooms they were passing and said, "These are the girls dormitories, and we're about to enter an area that has some classrooms in it." Sure enough, they began to pass a few classrooms soon after that, some set up like normal classrooms, while others seemed like places for training. Then they went down a flight of stairs and he said, "Down here is the main floor, where the guys dormitories are, as well as most of the recreational rooms. There's a gym, a lounge, a library, a game room, a cafeteria and so on." He stopped and turned back to her, raising an eyebrow. "You know, most of this you can get from your map. If there's somewhere specific you want to go right now, I can take you. Otherwise, you might as well find your way with the map. How about it? Anything in particular you're feeling you want to do? This place is huge, it has..well, just about everything you could want." His eyebrows drew together in a scowl for a moment. "Well, except normal humans. Good riddance, I say."