[h2][color=421A8C]Sapphire Rode[/color] - Armoury[/h2] Satisfied with herself Sapphire returned to her seat to listen to the teacher talk about dust. Sapphire had some limited experience with raw dust. It packed a much larger punch compared to dust ammunition but it was also a lot more unstable. Her father had tried to teach her how to use it raw, it was a deadly weapon in the hands of one who could master it. Sapphire had a good number of burn marks on her back to prove that she wasn't one of the people capable of such a skill. The dust ammunition had done well enough for her though she'd always been curious to know if she could maximize her weapons use of dust without greatly increasing the risk to herself. Geni took a seat on the opposite side of Amy from Sapphire, she didn't know why but she sort of liked him. He had an energy about himself that she couldn't help but admire, a magnetic personality so to speak. It wasn't something she'd ever really mastered, you wanted a Grimm dead from forty yards she could do it just fine, sky driving off Beacon cliffs she'd be thrilled, but conversation? Non-violent, non-argumentative conversation. That was a prospect that scared her more than she liked to admit. She'd been taught to fight, not to talk. As Sapphire tuned into those around her she hear whispers about Geni, [i]White Fang, Terrorist, Murderer, Thief.[/i] She'd heard what Geni had let slip earlier and logically there was only one organization beginning with the word [i]White[/i] where you could learn to forge weapons. It didn't trouble Sapphire in fact she thought it said something about Geni's character. The White Fang had the right ideas, things were not right in the social and political worlds but they weren't going about it the right way, the only thing violence would accomplish was ensuring that humans never trusted faunus again. They also had some of the top notch fighters. One of the only people who had ever beaten her father in a one on one fight had been a member of the White Fang. If Geni could cut it in that organization then he was more than qualified to attend Beacon. Sapphire couldn't imagine that line of thinking would be popular with most people but then again it had been a very long time since she'd cared. Apparently though Geni did. It couldn't have been easy, likely these whispers had followed Geni around ever since he'd left the White Fang. Watching from the sidelines it was easy for her to see the logic of both sides and to know that nothing anyone said about Geni should make a difference to him but then she wasn't in the conflict and she had her natural defense of apathy and indifference, when someone wanted to make you angry the worst thing they could see was no reaction at all. Sapphire heard Geni's pencil snap and for a moment it was like all the sound in the room had given way to that noise. Geni exploded, challenging Ivan who'd been the chief one whispering and staring daggers at Geni since his accidental mention of the organization. Sapphire could see a fight about to erupt and knew she needed to act soon. Geni, not usually quick to anger was right now riled up as much as she'd ever seen him, which admittedly wasn't long but this was clearly not his usually self. Then of course there was Ivan who'd always be up for a fight and was stupid enough to pick one in the middle of Armoury Class. [color=0054a6]"Lionheart... Geni stop."[/color] Sapphire said standing up, she may not have been good with people but she could handle herself in a crisis. [color=0054a6]"He's not worth it."[/color] She said moving around Amy just in case Geni decided to do something rash. [color=0054a6]"He's pigheaded and probably hasn't wanted for anything in his life, he wouldn't understand what it means to fight for something you believe in. If you could make it in the White Fang why should Beacon be such a big step? If anything you have more experience than we do. You're a good fighter and unlike Ivan you care about people. His word shouldn't mean any more than a stranger on the street."[/color] Okay she was mostly bullshiting, Sapphire didn't actually know enough about either Geni or Ivan to make any of what she said true but she considered herself a fair judge of someone's character if nothing else. She stepped a little closer so only Geni could hear what she said, and possibly Amy too if she was listening. [color=0054a6]"If you want to kick his ass I'll back your play."[/color] Sapphire stepped away from him with a little smile nodding, it was his move.