Amaranth Desire, Armory, Getting angry. IC: Amy's stress had caused her Semblance to spike, allowing her to hear what Sapphire was saying in crystal clear detail, and pick up a lot of small visual cues that had gone on between the Faunus sitting beside her and the boy on the other side of the room. Her voice fell to a whisper. "Geni... I've got a past that I'm not proud of, but I'm #### sure not going to let that interfere with my classes here. I'm not going to ask what you did or didn't do. I would prefer not to get in the middle of a firefight involving a tank, though. Especially since one of my countless dirty little secrets is that I failed my entrance exam." To be honest, that was the most innocuous of her secrets. And then, the rant from Ivan happened. Amy stood, one of her hands smoothing down her feathers, her voice calm, if trembling a little. [i]Freak.[/i] "Shut your ####### mouth. Honestly, Geni seems to be the least psychotic person in this argument, and he's the accused terrorist. Chill out, sit down, take your crusade to the Grimm you so hate, and let us learn what we've come here to do. This is a classroom, for God's sake, and you're interrupting a lecture with rants against a fellow classmate. Pasts are irrelevant. Get your... Butt in your seat, your eyes toward the front of the class." Amy sighed and turned to Chatsworth, suddenly feeling very exposed now that her rage was gone. "S-sorry for the interruption, Professor." She sat back down, biting her lower lip.