[b]Daniel - Armory Class[/b] Daniel couldn't even get one iota of relaxation in this classroom. All this talk about the White Fang and terrorists and Grimm... it was enough to drive anyone insane. Even though Daniel had no desire to get involved, he couldn't just let this ignorant punk run his mouth off like that, even after Amaranth tried to defuse the situation. Jumping out of his seat, he casually strolled up to Ivan, his arms already set ablaze as a result of his Semblance. "A lot of people say that a dog's bark is worse than his bite, and I'd say that it's true for you as well," Daniel said. "Sure, the White Fang aren't the good guys in the world, but you honestly expect humans to be any better? Humans are just as capable of the things that the White Fang have done." Daniel's hair turning blonde from his Semblance, he continued, "You sound like you've never seen what a human could do. How a human strips away a Faunus' pride, beats him bloody and senseless, even uses him as a shield to take the blow from someone else." Daniel's eyes had a deep sense of pain within them, showing the truth for anyone who looked within them. Daniel then attempted to grab Ivan by his shirt and bring him close to his face. "If anything, humans are the true animals. You speak so mighty from such a weak, one-sided position." Daniel then dropped him onto a seat, saying, "Follow her advice and stay down." The seemingly most ironic thing about what Daniel had said was that he himself was a human, yet he was saying all those things about humans. Daniel then walked back to his seat to try to get on with the class.